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Coach de développement personnel et de carrière
Personal Development and Career Coach

Free Trial Session

The trial session lasts around 30 minutes. Free and non-binding, it allows us to get to know each other and to set out the coaching framework and answer any questions you may have.

What is


Coaching provides individualized support to individuals or groups, enabling them to become independent and navigate change successfully. It is a building process that involves interviews and exercises. Based on a relationship of trust and collaboration, coaching is guided by objectives defined at the outset. It aims to enable the beneficiary to develop their potential, know-how and interpersonal skills in order to adapt better to their professional or personal environment, or simply to get to know themselves better. Self-inquiry, empowerment, interactive exercises and feedback are the means used throughout this process.

Whether for adults or teenagers, my sessions are fully confidential.

About me

Isabelle Nussbaum

A personal development and career coach, Isabelle Nussbaum is an NPL technician and certified professional coach who extends her services to adults and teenagers seeking to develop their potential, know-how and interpersonal skills.

With over 20 years of experience in Human Resources, a profound knowledge of the job market (Swiss and international), and having worked across numerous industries, she accompanies companies in their technical and leadership requirements.


Are you looking to rediscover yourself? Are you looking for change? Through an alliance with my client, I encourage the emergence of resources and solutions that lie within you.

Personal Development Coaching

Through an alliance with my client, I encourage the emergence of resources and solutions that lie within you.

HR Coaching for Individuals

By developing your skills and clarifying your priorities, you will take the reins of your professional future.

Human Resources Coaching and Consulting for Companies

As an HR professional, I support you in your professional and managerial development, so that you can reach your full potential.